Monday, September 04, 2006

Who Wrote The Song...

Talking to Chris the other day made me realise how the flood of music has drained to a trickle here at NNM (ooh, I've just been branded with a cool abbreviation. I'm so 2003!), so here's what's taken my fancy recently, all wrapped up in a little box. Click through for the bigger versions.

Top Left: Ace clip from The Thermals. Pillar Of Salt is already my song for Summer and it is only just gone Spring. When my hand is better this is going to be the first song I dance to... Can't wait. Look out for Colin Meloy in the clip. I tried not to mention The Decemberists here but he just popped up and I couldn't resist.

Top Right: For Real was the last song that I obsessed over in London. Okkervil River had been lying dormant in my iPod for over a year before they became the soundtrack for my city jaunts. The perfect mix of rock and restraint, and a cute clip, too.

Bottom Left: I've been rediscovering the Scottish rockers, Idlewild. I loved 100 Broken Windows as soon as it hit my aural cavity but I only recently took to their next album, The Remote Part. This song, American English was a huge hit and it showcased their ability to infuse melody and tenderness into their guitar-filled drone.

Bottom Right: Snow Patrol has always made me cry. I think it is Gary Lightbody's voice, it has cut me up ever since The Reindeer Section's track, Your Sweet Voice (a perennial break up song of mine). Chasing Cars is another cut that wets my cheeks. The video isn't quite as good as the one I thought up on the 207 back from Ealing Broadway one morning but you take what you're given and make do.

Last, but not least, you MUST check out The Annuals, and not just because they're hot (I like the one in the back). They have no album yet but they are whipping the music world into a pre-release media hype frenzy. Get in quick or you won't be as cool as that indie kid down the street in his red and black striped T (and yes I do own one now but it has a pretty Portuguese pattern on it, so it's cooler than yours). But seriously, these guys are part Animal Collective, part Band of Horses, part Arcade Fire, and maybe some Danielson, and it gels superbly because they turn up the volume. Check out their label's site and listen to Brother.

Least but not last (shit, that didn't work... I could move it... fuck it.), a confession. I was watching *cough* Video Hits *cough* and I saw a song that I *cough* liked *cough*. It was an electro-rock number and the clip was something akin to Revenge Of The Nerds. Anyone know it???

Me out.

p.s. Chris, you owe me some new bars now.

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At 3:19 pm, Blogger RC said...

at first i thought the top left clip was that dumb james blunt clip that's really a verizon commercial they always play when i see a movie.

--RC of

At 11:23 pm, Blogger walypala said...

How dare you mention James Blunt on my blog!

Go and wash your mouth out with Sufjan.

The nerve!

(I contemplated putting an emoticon here to emphasise the tongue in cheek nature of my sentiments but I consider them slightly gauche so I wrote this instead. Writing comments like this, while also slightly gauche is also self-referential and therefore appeals to my sense of humour. Calling attention to the self-referential nature of messages is in itself self-referential, and humorous, but there are limits. I'm really only amusing myself now.)

At 10:23 am, Blogger Cade said...

Loved The Thermals. They look like fun. Actually loved all of the bands you have posted. Good job.

I'll be back for you have a frequent visiter program?

At 10:44 am, Blogger walypala said...

You should check out the whole album. It is a fantasia or fascism and religion, disturbing and funny at the same time.

Let me know when you're dropping by and I'll put the kettle on.


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