Monday, April 03, 2006

Evil Political Rhetoric

Can someone fill me in on whether this is causing a shit storm back in Australia.

I fucking hope so!

No wait, it is okay. Howard is being pro-marriage, not anti-gay.

I'd hate for my relationship to be recognised in the eyes of national policy if it meant that our understanding of marriage as a hetrosexual practice was challenged.

He has such a way with words.

Don't hate me, I'm not anti-Howard, I am just pro-human-decency.

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At 1:32 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, for the most part it is attracting only minor attention. You know we are a nation of apathists (is there such a word? Ah well... I can't be bothered looking it up to see)

However... though J.H.'s position is nonsensical, in almost all jurisdictions / areas / arenas in Australia defactos (same sex or otherwise) have most of the same rights that married heteros have anyway.

Does it really matter that he is a hypocritical phobe?

At 11:36 pm, Blogger walypala said...

We can hardly have "most of the same rights that married hereros have" if the "Prime Minister" can pull a stunt like this.

I thought the whole point of the ACT's legislation was to bring us up to speed with the breeders. Then I am only getting me info from the net.

I agree that the Federal system is the one we want to crack but I think (and obviously ol' fish face does too) that if the states and territories can chip away from below soon the "Liberals" won't have a wooden leg to stand on.


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