Friday, March 31, 2006

Angels To The Rescue!

I got to put my suit on again today. What a joy, I thought as I strutted to my registration appointment at Office Angels. Yes, that is right, the same Office Angels who hadn't called me after I repeatedly emailed them my CV. They have a phonebook. I shouldn't have to my mobile phone numbers in EXACTLY the right order!

The test and all that malarky went pretty much the same way as the Reed registration went except that this time there was a numeracy and spelling test. Wow, those things are nerve racking when you are on the other side. I am sure the bastard karma police were laughing their arses off. My heart rate began to gallop and I flustered in my seat with the broken calculator and watched the clock tick down. I thought I had ten minutes to complete all the test but I actually had ten minutes for each test so I managed to calm myself after the numeracy section.

I thought I had arsed it up completely while I was sitting waiting for the results, quietly kicking myself for being too cocky to read the actual instructions. Surprisingly I managed to pull together 90% for all of the tests (and an average for data entry but once again they impressed upon me that I wouldn't be going down that path anyway).

It was when I sat down with the recruitment consultant that things started looking up. These people know what they are doing. They are honest and helpful. Such a different vibe than Reed (who can't even return a phone call). They pretty much said what I was expecting. They feel I am more than capable of doing just about anything they can offer but my lack of experience is a barrier for anyone they have to submit a CV to. Their plan is about what my plan was going to be: a bit of anything till something takes my fancy. The best thing is that they have a walk in service of a morning so that you can almost be assured of getting a placement for the day. Plus there is an incentive to get up early. Hoorah!

I congratulated myself by buying a set of weights so I can get back all those delightful muscles I had been working on before I left Oz. Roll on summer, roll on!

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At 12:09 am, Blogger walypala said...


or as they say in Spain:



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