Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Word of the Day

tr. & intr.v. in·vag·i·nat·ed, in·vag·i·nat·ing, in·vag·i·nates
1. To enclose or become enclosed in or as if in a sheath.
2. To turn or become turned inward.

Try to slip it into your conversation today. I managed to use it in the park.

My, how we blushed!

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At 7:11 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats a toughy!

Let's see what I can come up with!

At 5:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow it sounds so absurd when its repeated over and over like that. What a kooky bit of trivia, I love it. I have seen nearly all of those films too.

At 1:28 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I think one of those tribes in Papua on that series, Tribes, does this to their penii, pushing the head n' all back down into the sheath, towards one's body. Then keeping the stumpy result in place with a bark-string knot affair. The show's host tried it but he couldn't handle the pain.


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