Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Trading Off The Code

Tomorrow night on the ABC, we are being treated to The Michelangelo Code. Purleese! It seems you can sell anything to middle Amestralia by bookending it with The...Code.

I want a piece of the action.

"Codes" I'd like to see:

The Bacon Code

Just like The Da Vinci Code but the art is more interesting and Jesus' daughter has three bleeding breasts and a jawless head.

The Geddes Code

Anne Geddes has locked away in her photographs the horrifying secret that Celine Dion is not only the cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, but she also ate Jesus' firstborn. Yummy.

The Done Code

Heaven save our souls. A study of Ken's works reveals the sacred bloodline is alive and well, living in Sydney, wearing fluorescent parachute pants and listening to John Farnham.

The Serrano Code

The Catholic church sends out its cronies to silence the truth about Jesus' incontinence and penchant for watersports. (Oh, I'm going to hell for that one!)

The Hirst Code

Shock horror! Jesus has returned, he just hasn't revealed his glory to us because he is preserved in formaldehyde and on display in some hip hop star's penthouse in southern California.

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At 12:07 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! I particularly love the Geddes Code, and more to the point, am starting to believe it. Hi-larious.

At 7:35 am, Blogger Steven said...

Very funny. The Done Code is frightening!

At 1:56 pm, Blogger richardwatts said...

Does being an adherent to the Bacon Code mean I get to have a hunky working class lover played by Daniel Craig, please?

At 3:51 pm, Blogger walypala said...

It certainly does.

It also means that when we film you having sex (because we will) the shot has to be reflected in the bowl of a spoon.

Don't ask me, it's art, I don't understand it.

At 8:10 pm, Blogger RRP said...

hilarious! nice work, mike. :)

At 10:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said... only takes one mortal sin to get you to hell. I figure you, me and a whole pile of others are going there anyway. You might as well get your money's worth.

At 1:18 am, Blogger Mamluke said...

lurve these - had a great laugh this morning - love the dion dig as well since of course we already thought she was evil. ;)


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