Friday, August 18, 2006

The Question du jour

Last night, at the newly, almost exactly the same Q+A, there was one question on everyone's lips:

"What is it like being back in Melbourne?"

Well, it's like this:

Melbourne Sky
And this, which I love:

Cherry Blossom
And this:

Magnolia II
And this:

Please Hold...
In words, it is comfortable and nurturing and safe. I can walk down the street and feel I understand people. This world makes complete sense, so much sense that it is like a dream you don't question, you just let it flow around you and through you.

Then I look at my hand and I know why I've come back here, and the rest of the world becomes my unfinished business. It is weird to be back here so quickly and under these circumstances. It is like someone took some scissors to my life - cut me out and stuck me back here without consulting me. Yes, it is exactly what I need but that doesn't make any easier.

And then there's this and this and this:

And everyone else who fronted up. I love you all. It was like I'd only just seen you last week. Sorry I didn't get to chat to everyone at length. I'm wearing my cement boots at the moment though, and with this hand I can't untie them, so I'll be here for a while and I know I'll see you again in no time.

Hell, if the weather keeps up there may be a bbq around the corner.


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At 12:13 pm, Blogger D said...

Excellent pics Mike, I lurve the blossom, and your macro worked very well on the Magnolia.

Back to work, back to work...

At 12:29 pm, Blogger walypala said...

Yeah it works well at about that distance but anything closer it won't pick up.

Otherwise I would have had the most bitchin' photo of the baby birches outside the TATE Modern.

I think they're birches.

At 7:37 pm, Blogger D said...

I think you'll find that they are

At 5:15 am, Blogger walypala said...

They be playas!


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