Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Goodbye Polly, Hello Gertie!

Me and Gertie AgainPolly the Polar Bear is no longer with us, she was rudely ripped from my paw yesterday at St Vinnie's.

Underneath was a Dali-esque zig-zag of tiny suture ants. It looks pretty terrible at the moment but it should be fine when they are removed next week.

All the other stitches were ripped out and there should be only slight, character-adding scars.

I can't feel my fingers that well, and probably never will again. It is like they have gone to sleep; I know they are there, but distant. I should get some feeling back in two years but they will never be normal unfortunately.

From the clinic I went off to see Kate and Kate over in Hand Therapy. Lovely ladies with a slight "no shit" attitude that I am sure will be immensely helpful in the rehab process. Kate put together the fine splint you see above.

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to you, Gertie Goose.

She's much lighter and more comfortable, plus she comes with an obscuring hand sock.

Kate helped me through this week's exercises of pain and torture. Actually, they aren't too bad, They involve attempting to force the fingers back into full grip position. My index finger is wounded on the back so it is the most painful one. Most of my fingers are quite swollen so the whole process is something akin to manipulating a pack of pork sausages.

Mmmm... sausages...

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At 10:49 am, Blogger walypala said...

Yep, but I didn't have the heart to show you.

At 9:21 pm, Blogger richardwatts said...

I'm a big boy, I would have coped. Was fucking great to see you again last night, by the way. *hug*


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