Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Troll Slammin'

I haven't posted for a while, I have been bad.

What has prompted me to crawl out of my little cave of writer's block? Possibly the best retort to an Interweb troll that I have ever read.

For some ungodly reason I was looking at the message boards for the film Map Of The Human Heart and one of the readers had trolled on about how bad the film was, listing his vehemence in point form.

The response to his vitriol was so beautifully layered, elegant and self contained:

"Other than that how did you like the play, Mrs. Lincoln?"

Snaps to you, Oklafalya!

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At 4:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"'twas a bit too violent for my tastes Mr Booth"

Sorry. Hmm the original retort was rather good. Hope you're well.

At 7:15 am, Blogger MadeInScotland said...

so good, we got it twice!


At 5:52 am, Blogger RC said...

that's a pretty smart comment.

man, i totally hang around imdb, but ending up there and finding that comment, that's pretty funny.


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