The Good Shepherd (or, How NOT To Succeed At Filmaking By Trying Really Hard)
The Good Shepherd + comfy recliner + wine = zzzzzz
The only thing that kept me awake was Mr Sharma's witty banter.
De Niro's ham-fisted attempt at sitting behind the camera quickly descends into monotonous and unashamed patriotism. Yes, you'd expect a little of that given that the film deals with the birth of the C.I.A. but I didn't think I was going to have to sit through countless scenes of men spewing their love for Ol' Man Sam.
The Good Shepherd sports an all star cast doing their all star thing. Jolie vamps, Cruddup charms, Gambon austeres. Of special mention is Matt Damon who pulls out such a lifeless performance that at times I thought he was channeling Charlton Heston.
Stay away!
Labels: cinema, film, movie review
argh... torn! I haven't seen this yet, but I was goingto get around to it... and Arden said it was good... and you two are my blog film reviewers of choice....
whom to believe!?
I guess I'll have to site through it and make up my own mind... damnit.
have to agree...was major-ly disappointed by this film
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