Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Look Mum, Finger Socks!

Finger Socks
Went to another hand therapy session yesterday (it's a Monday morning thing) and, according to Kate, everything seems to be coming along nicely. A few developments in the exercises but nothing too dramatic. I do get to work on my limp wrist though, so that is something.

The latest addition to my "therapy couture" are these snug fitting finger socks. They are not actually socks at all, they are pieces of elastic tape to pressure my fingers into a less sausagey state. I suppose they are the physical manifestation of peer pressure.

The best thing is, this stuff only seems to stick to itself. Genius!

On my way home, I decided that I am going to buy some Post-It-Notes and carry them with me wherever I go so I can leave notes for people when they are not in. Yesterday Richard's door would have carried the message: The world is not enough! Don't ask me, I don't understand either.

Further on my way home, I passed the blackfellas outside Smith St ANZ. One of them shouted out, "You've been in a fight, mate" to which I nodded knowingly in reply. Then one of the women Leytoned up and screamed, "COME ONNNN!!!" I laughed out loud, mainly because I'd been making the joke all week but she was the first person to actually notice my splint's uncanny likeness to our country's premier bogan.

I do miss the Aboriginal sense of humour. I really must see Ten Canoes

UPDATE: Apparently blather blog was inspired wax visual on the theme of Paganini Hewitt.

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At 3:16 pm, Blogger richardwatts said...

I was at work sorry mate. A post-it note would have fun to find when I got home, though! See you tonight, for more cinematic fun. Oh, and did I mention red carpets, champagne and movie and TV stars? Real ones this time, I promise. ;-)

At 3:52 pm, Blogger walypala said...

Then I'll make sure to bring my camera and my girly squealing voice.

Will you catch me if I faint?

At 12:22 am, Blogger richardwatts said...

Only if you catch me if I get drunk and fall down the stairs - lucky that didn't happen hey?

At 7:22 am, Blogger MadeInScotland said...

A bit Mumma Tee Tee from Carry On Screamng, if you ask me.

Anyway, OT as they say. I've been tempted to post on the merits of Martin Guerre original West End cast, or 1999 "chamber" version.

Apart from you, I don't think any of my other readers would get it.... (and don't let Jo Riding swing it for you)

At 8:37 am, Blogger walypala said...

You should post on whatever takes your fancy. I'm sure that half my posts bewilder everyone out there. They cope!


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