Friday, March 03, 2006

Birthday Flash

31 years ago today I looked like this!

Notice the sunken chest. That is what you get for being 8 weeks premature. I was a stunning 3 and a half pounds. Didn't get to hug my mum for a while thanks to that little humidicrib. Maybe that is why I am so clingy now.

There you go, it is my birthday and I give you a package... I mean present!

We are going out tonight to some dodgy pub in Shoreditch. I am sure there will be many story to share tomorrow. It's days like these I miss you all.


At 10:14 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy birthday old man. Accept a virtual hug (sans sunken chest sensation).

Have a tale-filled night tonight (or was that tail-filled? Oh dear... so crass again!) and don't forget to tell us about it in the morning.

Love and other works of fiction...

At 11:47 am, Blogger D said...

'Appy birfday bubble-boy, and the same best wishes to Roger too!

Have a fab day, with lots of girly giggles and manly chortles and Felicity Huffman-esque titters.

Lots of carb-loaded, extra-sugared, syrupy lurve,

D x

At 5:17 pm, Blogger richardwatts said...

The opening night of the MQFF last night and I was thinking of you, Mike. The film was shite - see my blog for details. Happy birthday, and get shit-faced for me. Missing you. xx

At 8:10 pm, Blogger walypala said...

Aw, thanks you guys. Miss you all terribly.

Going out for dinner and drinks tonight. I'll have lots of photos for you tomorrow if I remember to take my camera.




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