Tuesday, February 07, 2006

We're All Too Beautiful For Words!!!

Caught up with ex-housemate, current ex-pat, Kate last night for her birthday. Good times were had by all over at St John's, a gastropub out Archway way way.

Kate was good enough to teach us all how we could, with just a few simple moves, improve our photogenicity (and make up words in the process). All you have to do is turn side on, twist back, arch your back, stick your jaw out and give a big toothy grin. Simple, see!

Yeah, there is only one problem; it doesn't seem to work. We found this perplexing so we kept trying, comme ça!

The photos span afternoon drinks at St John's and a quiz night at some pub in Islington where we placed a commendable third (of 17 or so teams) despite a cutting defection by one of our party.

One of my favourite photos of the night was taken on the way home, in Angel tube station. I don't know why I like it. Maybe it is how the light catches, not usually something that my camera does particularly well.

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