Thursday, May 24, 2007

Flights of Fantasy

It looks like the aftershocks of Lord of the Rings are starting to quiver underfoot.

Here are some pretty looking epic fantasy films bulging with stars, ready to burst onto your cinema screens. They all come from reputable source material apparently and they look reasonably well crafted.


The Golden Compass

Also, shots are leaking out of The Dark Is Rising set. Looking forward to this but terribly weary of Walden and their cookie cutter adaptations. They'd better not fuck with my childhood

And in other adaptation news. Filmstalker reports that Christopher Lee is off of Sweeney Todd because Tim Burton's extra characters had been removed. Burton tinkering with Sondheim, hmmm, as long as he isn't getting Elfman to rescore it, I'm happy.

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At 2:02 pm, Blogger richardwatts said...

Given that the screenplay for The Dark is Rising is by John Hodge, who adapted Trainspotting I live in hope. That said, if the film is as bland an adaptation as The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe it may well be a yawn-fest...


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