Sunday, July 09, 2006

Torch Song Trilogy (or How To Lose A Guy In 10 Gays)

You may have noticed that I have been gaying it up, cinematically, in the last few weeks. I think it is actually a withdrawl symptom of not having seen The Celluloid Closet in many moons (I used to watch it with obsessive frequency until my video cassette broke down). Last night I took in another "classic" of queer cinema, Harvey Fiernstein's Torch Song Trilogy.


Matthew Broderick is in it... Ann Bancroft is in it... Harvey Fiernstein is in it (and is not totally annoying)... It isn't bad.

Actually, after the first half it really picks up. It wallows in many a cliché, but hell, clichés are there for a reason, and it hasn't really shaken off the staidness of its theatrical origins (originally it was a series of three one act plays, which starred Estelle Getty) but by the time the cards are ready to be laid on the table and the emotional grandstanding kicks off, it is quite affecting.

It seems wierd to talk about this film as having the sensibilities "of its time" because it was made less than ten years ago. It seems like it is more archaic though. The bar scenes (complete with a seedy back room) seem like something out of the Blue Oyster from the Police Academy series and some of the "gay" stuff is terribly "issues" based. There is always something a little wooden about the "relationships" in the film. Matthew, gay? Just don't buy it.

When all is said and done though, it is a heartfelt film and the climax is well written. I am a sucker for brawling Jewish mothers and Bancroft is excellent in the role (even though I would have preferred Getty).

A nice affirmation of living loud and proud.

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At 10:56 pm, Blogger richardwatts said...

Haven't seen this one for years but I remember loving it at the time - and being a blubbering wreck by the end of the film.

Oh, and I watched 'The Celluloid Closet' tonight in your honour.

"Once, I had a secret love..."


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