Monday, March 06, 2006

And The Winner Was...

Crash... WTF?

Thandie Newton, another successful graduate of "The Piper Laurie School of Over-Acting"

I am going to go out on a limb here since I haven't seen Capote or Munich, but Crash was not a worthy nominee let alone a worthy winner. Surely Munich and Capote weren't that bad. Brokeback, while it is far more culturally important than cinematically brilliant is a far superior piece of celluloid.

Hell, if you are going to be all nancy and freak out about the "homosexualists" give the golden boy to Good Night and Good Luck.

Crash was one of those preachy "issues" films that focused too much on the polemic and let characters slip into caricature for the sake of the argument. Meh...

I know I am posting this early for those of you downunder but if you see this news and don't watch the ceremony because they are obviously judged by people who have no mind for decent cinema, then my work here is done!

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At 3:18 am, Blogger D said...

Sadly, I agree completely. 'Crash' was not worthy of Best Picture nomination in comparison to all of the others, but remember what we are dealing with: Hollywood! Titanic, Braveheart, Forest Gump, Gladiator - all of them were not only nominated but won Best Picture!

Also, it may be crude, but in Hollywood's eyes, race trumps sexuality, hands-down. (It's also appealing to those who can only 'tolerate' 'diveristy' so far as it doesn't actually mean tolerance or true diversity.)

I feel like we have finally been allowed on the bus, but we're still at the back.

At 10:51 am, Blogger richardwatts said...

Donald - I totally agree. You only have to look at some of the films that HAVEN'T won Best Picture to see the sort of company Brokeback Mountain is in: The Maltese Falcon, Casablanca, Citizen Kane etc... Your comments about tolerance and diversity are also spot-on, I believe.


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